Bus Trips to the Sands Casino From Reading Pa

2. Answer the questions to the text y'all've read:

1. What are the primary purposes of travelling?

ii. What means of travelling tin can you proper noun?

iii. Why is travelling by railroad train more interesting then by plane?

4. Are sea voyages popular as business organisation journeys?

5. What another very pop method of travelling tin you proper name?

iii. Translate the words and phrases given in brackets.

1. I hate flying and always prefer to travel ( на поезде ).

2. ( самый удобный способ ) to get at that place is by airplane.

3. Mod planes have very comfy ( сиденья ) in all cabins.

4. I like (походы / пеший туризм) because it's an easy style to go on fit.

5. Going on this tour you can see many interesting places (за короткое время).

4. Choose the discussion that best completes the sentences from the list below:

by bounding main on foot expensive advantages walking tours cars business organisation trips past automobile pleasure journeys anywhere you lot wish by air past train

i. Travelling _______ is the fastest way to get somewhere.

2. You tin can easily get at that place _______.

3. The most pleasant only the near _______ mode to travel to Solovki is ______.

4. Travelling ______ has one large advantage: you lot tin end ______ and make an ordinary repast a picnic.

5. In the concluding decade, ecotourism has developed in Russia. Near every region tin can offer you _______ in the protected corners of nature.

6. _______ are improve to take by plane or train, and ______ – by sea or _____.

7. Traveling in the Russian reserved-seat car is terrible, only there are likewise sleeping and a dining ____, which volition greatly facilitate your existence.

5. Find the synonyms.






dining automobile


by road


by air








walking bout








sleeping motorcar


by plane


by auto


buffet motorcar

half-dozen. There are some differences between a travel, a trip, a journeying, a tour, a voyage, and a crossing. Written report the definitions beneath and cheque the correct answer below.

TRAVEL – the action of travelling; a journey (air/space travel business organisation travel; travel near the Far Eastward).

Journey – the human activity of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (I dear going on long journeys).

TOUR – ane. A visit to a identify or area, especially one during which you lot look around the identify or surface area and larn about it (Nosotros went on a guided tour of the cathedral/museum/factory); two. A journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area (a cycling tour of Provence); iii. A planned visit to several places in a country or expanse made for a special purpose, such as ane made by a pol, sports squad, or group of performers (a lecture/concert bout).

TRIP – a journey in which you lot go somewhere, usually for a brusque time, and come up back again (The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hr by train).

VOYAGE – a long journey, peculiarly by ship (He was a young sailor on his first ocean voyage).

CROSSING – a journey across a big area of water, from one side to the other (Information technology was a really rough crossing – I threw up 3 times).

1. A _____ is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing oftentimes consisting of visits to unlike places.

2. A _____ is a travel made by h2o - sea or ocean.

three. Our ____ included England, French republic and Germany.

4. Information technology would be incommunicable to imagine modern life without _______.

five. In 1912, the Titanic hitting an iceberg on its starting time _______ beyond the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later.

6. You tin ______ by railroad train, past coach, by plane, by transport or in a auto, and finally you tin proceed pes.

7. Unfortunately that _____ concluded in a shipwreck, and Robinson Crusoe institute himself on a deserted island.

8. Mr. Dower has visited many countries and now he is writing a book about his _______.

nine. Ane day I came back from a few days' _____ fabricated on foot through the isle.

ten. As far as I am concerned, I prefer ______ by air.

7. Read the commodity and then check the correct answers below.


Whether you're studying, working or on a holiday, traveling can be i of the near rewarding and educational experiences in life. Simply there are also a few challenges that every traveler will face, and so we've prepared some helpful tips to make things easier.

Acquire about the transport system.

Every country is different, but your needs volition e'er exist the same: y'all need to movement around quickly and easily. So study the transport system in your destination before you visit. Sometimes information technology'due south really simple: a unmarried metro system for the whole city. Great! Sometimes it's more complicated: a mixture of public and individual train lines, multiple bus companies and different kinds of taxis. Either mode, discover out about it before you travel.

Download a practiced map app.

Prepare all you want, simply sometimes yous'll get lost. Information technology'll happen. A few years agone, this might accept been a problem, only these days at that place's an easy solution: download a adept map application to your phone. If yous become lost, just turn on GPS and you'll fi nd your destination in no time. The joys of mod technology, eh?

Learn to say 'hello', 'pitiful' and 'cheers'.

Yous don't ever need to learn the unabridged language of the country you lot're traveling to, but yous should learn three fundamental words: 'how-do-you-do', 'deplorable' and 'cheers'. These words will bring friendly smiles from locals, they'll get you lot out of trouble, and they'll get y'all assist when you need it. Most of all, they'll make y'all sound lovely and polite. Larn them!

1. Which types of travel are mentioned?

☐ work, business concern and study

☐ study, work and vacation

☐ vacation, concern and study

iii. What can you exercise if you go lost?

☐ Learn about the transport organisation.

☐ Use a map awarding.

☐ Turn off GPS.

two. According to the article, what is an example of a simple transport organization?

☐ a mixture of public and private train lines

☐ multiple bus companies

☐ a single, citywide metro system

4. Which reason for learning to say 'howdy', 'sorry' and 'thank you' is non mentioned?

☐ It volition aid you make friends.

☐ It will get you help when you demand information technology. ☐ Information technology will make you sound polite.

eight. Read the text about the Trans-Siberian Railway and practise some exercises.

There'southward no uncertainty that the nigh famous railway in Russia is The Trans-Siberian Railway. Information technology'south short proper name is the Trans-Sib. It was called The Bang-up Siberian Mode in the past. And it really deserves to exist called great. This railway passes through whole Russian federation.

It plays a very important role for the country. Don't forget nigh its economical importance. The Trans-Sib connects the Primal part of Russia with the Eastern role of the country. This helps quicker development of the Siberian territories.

Wait at the map and you'll realize what a distance the trains covers travelling past The Trans-Siberian Railway. It connects Moscow and Vladivostok. Likewise this way it passes many Russian cities and towns. Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Irkutsk, Chita are amidst them. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest in the world. Its length is 9288.2 kilometers.

There is no other Railway that crosses practically ii continents of the world. By the manner, 20 per cent of The Trans-Siberian is in Europe and lxxx per cent is in Asia. On the board between these continents, in that location is a sign outside the window of the train going on the Trans-Siberian Railway. It's called "The board of Europe and Asia".

There are some special excursion tours forth The Trans-Siberian Railway. They are very popular among foreigners. They suit those who are interested in going through all the country. You tin can encounter how rich and diverse nature and geography of Russia. Here you'll be able to feel how tremendous its territory is. This is a very exciting and unusual tour.

Those who will decide to go through The Trans-Siberian Railway will accept visited 87 Russian cities and towns. Monuments and signs installed most the railroad will inform about coming from one region to another. I think information technology's enough large experience. Apart from the cities you'll notice a lot of interesting things during the trip. For instance, you volition pass the Urals. They dissever Europe and Asia. You'll see a lot of Russian rivers. For instance the Volga, the Ob, the Irtish, the Yenisey, Amour and many others.

Of course, Lake Baikal is one of the primary sightseeing attractions, which you lot tin can come across during your trip on the Railway. Lots of people overcome hundreds of kilometers particularly to encounter it. This lake is unique. This is the deepest lake in the earth (its deepness achieves 1637 meters). And it's as well the purest 1. Going through The Trans-Siberian Railway, you lot get an opportunity to have a look at this lake. The railroad train goes virtually 200 kilometers parallel to the lake. Sometimes the road goes very close to the bank. And this makes an unforgettable impression.

The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses 8 fourth dimension zones. So exist circumspect or you lot'll get lost in time. If to note that the road takes about 10 days then you'll accept to correct your watches practically every day.

The pick of the trains going on the Railway is quite large. But the most comfortable are of class the house trains. At that place are air conditioners and television. Such trains make fewer stops. Sometimes they fifty-fifty become 400 kilometers without stopping at any station. This class is often used by foreigners and Russians for traveling.

Sheldon Cooper is known for his love of trains. He decided to take a journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Subsequently reading the travel blogs, he learned that the most authentic style to travel is a second-form carriage. Sheldon does not all the same know what awaits him. Allow's help him and write short life hacks that volition help him survive.

Life hack to survive in Russian railroad train

one. The nearly important thing to take with you is a passport. Seriously, in Russian federation you cannot feel safe if y'all exercise not take a passport with yous. A railroad train ticket, likewise every bit medical insurance is naturally needed.

2. Call back that the roads in Russia are incredibly long – In fact for some time yous will find your second home on the railroad train. Therefore, in addition to a passport and a ticket, you must accept with you déshabillé (specially socks!), flip-flops, hygiene items, lots of food, books and crossword puzzles.

3. ….


Sheldon Cooper is also known for his beloved of writing paper letters. Imagine that he is writing a letter to his friends in Pasadena. What remarkable things will he tell? You can use the text as a source of information or employ the Internet. Describe Sheldon's observations every bit a list of facts (remember that the third thing Sheldon loves is making lists). Below is the beginning of the letter.

Dear Leonard, Penny, Howard and Rajesh,

I hasten to tell you that everything is fine with me. There is the 4th mean solar day of my journey to Russia. The conditions are nigh unbearable, but I accept the example of Dr. Spock in forepart of my eyes and internally fasten. I began to consume this strange Russian nutrient that babushkas constantly offer me. I think now I am 90% boiled eggs, grilled chicken, cucumbers and pirozhki. I well-nigh spent my supply of wet wipes and soon begin to smell like everyone on this train. Still, the difficulties of the road are compensated for past the wonderful views of the cities and the countryside outside the window.

But let me put my notes in lodge:

1. …..

ii. …..

3. …..

During his journey, Sheldon has seen many geographic objects. Think which ones are used with the and which ones are not:

Russia Lake Baikal Novosibirsk Irtish Soviet Spousal relationship Asia Urals Cardinal Function Irkutsk Chita Siberia Ob Yaroslavl Yekaterinburg Eastern part Moscow Yenisey Europe Vladivostok Russian Federation Omsk Volga Russian Far Due east Amour


9. Speak about your latest journey or trip using the scheme below and answering the post-obit questions:

- Where accept yous been?

- How have you lot got there?

- What activities did yous take part in?

- What things did you need in different situations?

10. Read the text at page ix. Split into 2 groups: A and B.

a. Draw a flowchart that clearly demonstrates the order of deportment of a person traveling past plane.

b. Imagine that a person does not know both Russian and English – draw a similar pictogram.

a. Imagine that something goes wrong with your ticket and passport, but you need to fly away by all ways. Develop a programme of action and make the appropriate adjustments to your scheme.

b. Imagine that the community officeholder establish something in your baggage that is forbidden to be exported from the country, moreover, not declared past you lot. What exercise you do in this case? What adjustments should exist made to the scheme?

11. Look at the phrases given at pages 8 and 10. Make dialogues that may ascend in the following situations:

Yous desire to purchase a ticket from Arkhangelsk to Munich

This is your first flight and you do not know where to go

You lot are going through security

The officer has found something susceptive in your luggage

Yous can also employ this website: http://flight-attendant.ru/english_in_the_airport/

12. Study the words from pages 12-14 and exercise a examination where you should put the letters into correct order.

ehlot bde ehlost loop

moor ccehk acegny bdelou

abht deks eersv aacetv

intw aps eisstu filst

ceipr eorrst aansu ehorsw

thirteen. Choose the correct reply.

one. Hullo, I have a ___. My name is Matthew Jones.

a. reserve

b. reserved

c. reservation

d. reserving

viii. Could you give me a ___ up phone call at half dozen o'clock in the morn please?

a. slumber

b. first

c. wake

d. morning

2. Beach equipment is ___ to all of our guests, gratuitous of charge.

a. average

b. available

c. advantage

d. avail

9. If you've never been to this city, you should take a wait at our sight-seeing.

a. bill of fare

b. brochures

c. forepart desk-bound

three. We only take i ___ left, and it's for a single room. The rest of the hotel is full.

a. vacination

b. vacancy

c. holiday

d. vagrant

x. Sorry, we don't have a _______ service. You'll have to park your car yourself.

a. room

b. laundry

c. valet

4. I'd like to order room ___ delight. I'd like a bottle of red wine sent up to room 407.

a. standard

b. staff

c. service

d. stuff

11. I'thousand pitiful, just nosotros don't have whatsoever vacancies. We are fully-_______ tonight.

a. vacant

b. booked

c. airtight

v. Can I ___ my stay for another day please?

a. limited

b. extention

c. exit

d. extend

12. You might like to voice your complaint nigh the rate to the ______

a. housekeeper

b. valet commuter

c. hotel manager

6. I'm leaving tomorrow. What time exercise I have to cheque ___ by?

a. up

b. out

c. through

d. over

thirteen. If you need a midnight snack there'southward a _______ total of murphy chips on your floor.

a. bellboy

b. kitchenette

c. vending motorcar

7. The ___ for a single room is $60 a night.

a. rent

b. hire

c. pay

d. rate

fourteen. I'll call housekeeping and ask them to bring y'all some fresh ______

a. water ice

b. milk

c. linen

xiv. Write the chat in the correct order.

A: We'll take a room on the second floor. How much is information technology?

B: Okay. Information technology suits us. We'll accept this room.

A: Seventy dollars a nighttime, sir.

B: Aye, we'll be able to put you up. Which flooring would you similar, sir?

A: Have yous got any vacant rooms?

B: Ane double-room, please.

A: Single or double, sir?

15. Translate from Russian into English.

T: Чем ты занимаешься, Лиза?

50: I'thou looking at the holiday brochure. There are iv hotels in the town, just I tin't decide which one we should stay.

T: Дай мне посмотреть. Почему бы нам не остановиться в Голд Плаза? Он выглядит самым комфортабельным из четырех и не такой дорогой, как Саншайн.

L: Just, it's virtually the main route and I think information technology'll be too noisy to live in that location.

T: А как насчет отеля Мэджик Касл тогда?

50: I don't know. Information technology looks dirtier than the other hotels.

T: Но он самый дешевый и возможно там тише, чем в Голд Плаза. Смотри! В брошюре также сказано, что там дружелюбный персонал.

L: Okay! Let'due south stay at the Magic Castle Hotel. I'm sure it will be fine.

xvi. Wait at the exercise at folio 17. Match the words with the pictures in a mode to consummate the phrases.



Source: https://multiurok.ru/files/uprazhneniia-po-teme-travelling-puteshestviia.html

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