When Can a Woman Not Get Pregnant After Period

Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant Without Condom Use?

chances of getting pregnant without condom use

Last updated on July 28th, 2018 at 04:53 am

Are you worried about your chances of getting pregnant without protection?

This guide will explain your safe period and the chances of getting pregnant without condom use.

Normal way to get pregnant

If you wish to get pregnant, then you should have regular intercourse during your fertile mucus or fertile window.

What is your fertile mucus? Your fertile mucus is cervical mucus from your vagina that indicate when ovulation will occur. Intercourse during this type of vaginal discharge may get you pregnant.

What is ovulation? Ovulation is the process of egg release from your ovaries. This egg when fertilized by the sperm will make you pregnant. Learning your ovulation discharge can help you detect when ovulation will occur.

When is your fertile window? Your fertile window are 6 days you can get pregnant during your menstrual cycle.

If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, then you should avoid intercourse during your fertile window. If you want to get pregnant, then you need to have regular intercourse during your fertile days.

Read more: How to detect your fertile cervical mucus

Read more: When are my fertile days and how to detect it

Chances of getting pregnant during your period?

Can i get pregnant if i have intercourse during menstruation? Yes. It is possible to get pregnant if you have intercourse during your period. Though the chances are very slim.

Normal period in women last for 2 to 7 days. Menstrual cycle, which is the difference between two period, occurs every 21 – 35 days.

Ovulation, which is the process of egg release from your ovaries, occurs every 14 to 16 days before your next period. Therefore, if you have a long 35 day cycle, you are expected to ovulate between day 19 and 21 after your period starts.

However, if you have a short 21 day menstrual cycle, then you can ovulate between 5 – 7 days after your period starts.

Normal male sperm can live up to 5 days. This means that, if you have a short menstrual cycle, then intercourse during your period can get you pregnant.

In a 21 days cycle, you are expected to ovulate on the 7th day after menstruation starts. If you have intercourse, then you may likely get pregnant.

I have a 28 day menstrual cycle, can i get pregnant during my period?

The chances of getting pregnant is extremely low. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, then ovulation should occur between day 14 and day 16 of your menstrual cycle. However, sperm can only live for about 5 days.

Therefore, intercourse on the final day (day 7) of your period will still not get you pregnant. (Normal period last for 2 – 7 days). This is because the sperm will survive till the 12th day of your menstrual cycle when ovulation has not occurred.

Please note

  • Women that have heavy period with blood in clots are exempted. Heavy periods can last for days and is abnormal.
  • Also, women may sometime have early period or late period due to stress or hormone changes. If you ovulate early due to stress, then its likely you may get pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after period?

The chances of getting pregnant after period depends on your menstrual cycle length. Do you have a short menstrual cycle or a 28 day cycle?

If your menstrual cycle is 21 days, then intercourse during and immediately after your period will likely get you pregnant. This is because ovulation will occur 7 days after your period starts. Since sperm lives for 5 days, it will fertilizes your egg during this time.

However, if you have a regular 28 day cycle or a cycle more than 28 days, then having intercourse after period may not get you pregnant.

If your cycle is 28 days or longer, the first 2 days after your period ends may be safe. This is because women with 28 day cycle usually ovulate on day 14. If your period last for 7 days, then you will have 7 days before ovulation occurs.  The lifespan of sperm is 5 days on average. This means you may get pregnant if you have intercourse on the 10th day of your menstrual cycle. However, the 8 and 9th day may be safe.

Please note

  • There are difference studies on how long the sperm can survive. Some research shows sperm can live up to 7 days. If this occurs, you can get pregnant immediately after period.

Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?

Yes. Women that ovulate early due to stress or women with short cycles can get pregnant 5 days after period. If you have long cycles, then its very unlikely that pregnancy will occur.

What are the chances of getting pregnant before ovulation?

Ovulation will occur 14 to 16 days before your next menstruation. If you are not sure about when you ovulate, you should learn the symptoms and signs of ovulation.

These are some of the sign that show when you ovulate

  • Your discharge becomes watery, egg-white and very stretchy
  • You feel like you want intercourse more
  • Your breast pains and swells
  • You experience spotting or brown discharge

If you feel or notice some of these symptoms, then you may be close to ovulation or already ovulated.

However, it may be difficult to know these signs if you are not conscious of your menstrual cycle and vaginal discharge. You can buy an ovulation kit or fertility monitor to help you know when ovulation will occur.

In a 28 day cycle, the chances of getting pregnant with intercourse 7 days before ovulation may be slim. However, if you have intercourse 5 days before ovulation occurs, then you may conceive.

If you have a 28 day cycle, it means intercourse on day 9 to day 14 may get you pregnant.

What are my chances of getting pregnant after ovulation occurs

How do i know that ovulation has occurred?

  • You will notice a rise in your basal body temperature. If you check your temperature every morning, then you can get the slight raise in your body temperature after ovulation
  • Your discharge changes from watery stretchy discharge during ovulation to clear creamy or thick discharge
  • You may experience brown mucus discharge
  • You feel slight pain due to ovulation that stops on its own (Ovulation cramps)

If you feel any of these symptoms, then its possible you've ovulated.

Normal egg does not last more than 24 hours. If you have intercourse on the day of ovulation or immediately after ovulation, then there is a good chance you will get pregnant. However, the chances of pregnancy decreases everyday after ovulation.

Your best chance of getting pregnant is 48 hours before ovulation and the day ovulation occurs.

What are the chances of getting pregnant before my period?

After ovulation, your safest time to have intercourse is just before your period. Getting pregnant chances reduces 3 days after ovulation. Just before your next period, the chances of conceiving is extremely low.

What are the signs i'm in my safe period after ovulation?

  • You begin to notice period symptoms like mood changes, abdominal bloating, weight gain and signs of depression
  • Your discharge becomes thick white discharge
  • You may begin to notice a dry vagina
  • You basal body temperature begins to fall

How to increase chances of getting pregnant?

If you want to increase you chances of pregnancy, you must understand your fertile window or mucus. Intercourse during your fertile window increase fertility chances. Your fertile mucus or ovulation discharge is watery and slippery. It can stretch without breaking easily.

Your basal body temperature will help you know when ovulation will occur. Any dip in your body temperature is a sign. Other tools are ovulation predictors and fertility monitors.

Charting your menstrual cycle will also increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you understand your menstrual cycle, then getting pregnant becomes easier.

Treat any infection down there in your vagina. Do you have smelly discharge with any vaginal itching? Always treat infection as it can affect you pregnancy chances.

FAQs about pregnancy chances in women

These are some questions about possibility of getting pregnant. Please ask questions not asked here below.

Can you get pregnant when you have period?

Yes. Pregnancy can occur in women with short menstrual cycle or those who ovulate early, if they have intercourse during period. However, if your cycle is 28 days or longer, you are unlikely to get pregnant during menstruation.

How long does it take for a woman to get pregnant?

Getting pregnant depends on when you have intercourse. If you are expecting pregnancy, then intercourse during you fertile window will likely make you conceive. Your fertile window is between a day after you ovulate and 5 days before ovulation. If you have intercourse outside your fertile window, it will take you a longer time to get pregnant or no pregnancy at all.

Can you get pregnant the week before your period?

It is possible to get pregnant the week before your menstruation if you had late ovulation from conditions like stress and excessive weight loss.

However, if you have a regular 28 day cycle or longer, the chances are very slim.

What are the chances of getting pregnant pulling out (Withdrawal method)?

If your partner uses the pull out technique, then it is possible for you to still get pregnant

However, only 4 in 100 women will get pregnant after penile withdrawal

What are the chances of getting pregnant without protection?

Research has shown that isolated intercourse in women 48 hours before ovulation and during the day of ovulation result in 36% chance of pregnancy. If you fail to use protection like make condoms or female condoms, then you can get pregnant especially in your fertile window.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation?

Ovulation occurs in the middle of a 28 day cycle. If your menstrual cycle is more than 28 days, then ovulation will occur 14 days before when you're expecting your next period. Unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation results to 36 percent chance of pregnancy. After ovulation, the probability of getting pregnant decreases.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on birth control pill?

Birth control pills are contraceptive methods used by women to prevent pregnancy. If you are regularly taking your pills, the chances of getting pregnant is less than 1 percent. However, failure to take your pills or a missed pill can cause pregnancy if you have intercourse without condom.

What are the chances of getting pregnant from precum?

Precum or pre-ejaculate fluid can get you pregnant. However, the chances are slim. There are differences in research about how much sperm is found in precum. Some research shows a high amount of sperm while others show little sperm concentration. It is however safe to use protection while making love.

Can you get pregnant right before your period and still have period?

If you are expecting your period and notice blood coming out (brown discharge or pinkish discharge), then its likely because you are already pregnant. You should run a home pregnancy test to confirm it.

If you are pregnant and still notice period during pregnancy,  then it may be due to:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Placenta previa
  • Abruption placenta
  • Sexually transmitted infections

You should inform you doctor if you feel this way.

Now its your turn. Let us know if u still feel worried about getting pregnant.

When Can a Woman Not Get Pregnant After Period

Source: https://medplux.com/chances-of-getting-pregnant/

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