lyrics to god knows and thats enough for me. he knows what others cannot see

The tears flowed freely.  I replayed the awful run across over in my mind, disbelief filling my heart.  I couldn't believe the words she had spoken to me, the things she had said, the accusations…and then the worst of information technology all…the realization that the last 8 years had not mattered to her.  How could she say such things?  To me?  Subsequently everything?  I was at a loss.  I had no idea what to exercise next.  The grief swallowed my soul and my middle was shattered.  All I had to offer in the grade of crying out to God was my tears.  Have you been in that location?  Yep, I bet you know exactly what I am talking near.  Sometimes, our prayers are only that.  Tears.  That's all.  Cypher more.  And nosotros wonder if this is truthful prayer.  I want to share some truth with you for When You Prayers Are Tears.

**I was alive on Facebook talking about this mail service.  The recording is at the bottom.**

Have you ever been so struck with grief and sorrow that all you could offer God were your tears? No words, no eloquent prayers? No recitations of scripture? Just tears. This post is for When Your Prayers Are Tears

This particular topic in prayer is 1 that has always had a very tender spot in my heart.  I'1000 talking nearly the prayers that can simply be expressed with tears.  Do yous know what I'm talking about?  Similar those awful times when the pain of brokenness is so great, that the but style to articulate my prayers is through tears of sorrow and grief.

Do Not Be Surprised

I really should not be surprised at all about what transpired with this other person.  Less than 2 weeks before, I spoke at a ladies retreat where astonishing things happened.  Women reclaimed things that rightfully belonged to them.  Pieces of their hearts that the enemy stole from them.  And he loathes that.  He hates when God's people live victoriously.

Our enemy does not give upwards his merits without a fight.  He is terrified of the truth and when someone speaks truth to those who need to hear information technology, he will practice whatever he tin can to stop it.  And he does non care how he accomplishes his goals every bit long as information technology is effective.

~Isaiah 54 17From Ephesians six:11-12, we know where the boxing is and who we are really fighting confronting.  Nosotros must remember this when we experience dark times when we have been hurt.  So, I am confident that the painful state of affairs that occurred was a direct result of me fighting for these women.  However, that does not make the incident any less painful or what happened 'ok'.  It just helps to give me a different perspective.  And in the midst of my prayer of tears, I will stand up house and claim victory.  My enemy will Non  terminate me from fulfilling God'south call on my life.

No weapon formed against me will prosper – none. Period.

He Is Near

But what do we practice through those times when all we have to give to our King is our tears and our hurting?  Those times when nosotros feel that's all at that place is – only the broken shards of our shattered hearts?  Psalm 34:xviii gives the states a sweet promise, " T he Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. "

He is close and nosotros can rest in that assurance – because He is faithful to His word.

I love the story of Hannah in one Samuel 1.  She is utterly cleaved because she was without kid.  Isn't that the heart of most Christian women?  To offering life ?  I'yard not talking about just children.  I mean we were created to pour life into others.

But there are times when nosotros merely don't take information technology.  Life has been sucked out of us for whatever reason and we are only broken. We take cypher simply the shattered remains of our hearts to offering the Healer.

And that's a good matter.

That is what we are supposed to do with those pieces – offer them up to Him for healing.

When Hannah was pouring out her eye through her tears, Eli actually thought she had been drinking.  Have you ever wept in ache like that?  Like if someone saw yous, they'd think you lot were drunk or completely nuts?  If so, I want yous to know a piece of truth:

Your tears are important to Him.

John 11 33Another favourite story is found in Luke 7 – another broken woman who wept at the feet of Jesus.  She washed His anxiety with her tears – how precious were her tears to Him!  We find out in John 11 that this woman was Mary, the sister of Lazarus.  And in that story, Mary wept for her brother and her weeping filled Him with sorrow.

He was moved by her grief.

He is moved by your grief.

Your tears are important to Him.

In John 20, when Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb, she began to weep.  And then she saw Jesus.  He suddenly appeared in the midst of her sorrow and grief.

Her tears of grief and sorrow were important to Him, so important to Him that He revealed Himself to her.  What a moment that must have been.  Can you imagine?  Jesus shows up just because of our tears.  There is no other reason.

Your tears are important to Him.

Our tears flow considering nosotros don't know what to pray; our tears autumn when all we take left is Him.  And do you know what? We tin remainder in the assurance that even when that'due south all nosotros have to pray, information technology is enough.

It may not seem like much to united states, merely it means the world to Him.

Our Helper

We also have someone who prays on our behalf.  The Holy Spirit volition ever pray the will of God.  In those times when we don't know what to pray, He does know.  And we can trust thatall things volition piece of work together for good.

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For nosotros do not know what to pray for as we ought, simply the Spirit himself intercedes for the states with groanings likewise deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the heed of the Spirit, considering the Spirit intercedes for the saints co-ordinate to the will of God.  And nosotros know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."  Romans eight:26-28

To Sit at His Feet

Nosotros can but sit down at His anxiety and wait on Him.  Can we talk about Mary again?  She seems to have a very special place in the eye of Jesus, doesn't she?  In Luke 10:38-42, we find her sitting at His anxiety, soaking in every unmarried discussion.

I wonder why she sabbatum at His anxiety?  Did she just want to mind to Him?  Or was her heart broken and she desperately needed to hear His truth?  Scripture says she just sat there and listened to His words.  Was He proverb something to her that her middle desperately needed to hear and rest in?  Mayhap.  I am getting comfortable with sitting at His anxiety.  Waiting on Him is growing to exist a very comfortable place for me.  I know that is where my heart needs to be.  Is sitting at His feet in your condolement zone?

But have you noticed that other people are non every bit comfortable with seeing  Mary resting at His feet?  Like Martha, all they see is someone non 'doing anything'.  It makes them feel uncomfortable and impatient.  When that happens, remember what Jesus told Martha. Mary has called the good part and it will not be taken away from her.

Don't let anyone take that intimate time away from yous.  You sit down at His feet for as long every bit you need to.

Tenderly Placed In A Jar

Psalm 56 8And if yous had any more doubt well-nigh how special your tears are to our Heavenly Father, take note of Psalm 56:eight.  Not one single tear is missed by our God.  Not one.  He knows.  He remembers.  He understands. Each tear is precious.  Others may not meet or even care, but He does.

And that'southward more than enough.

Never experience ashamed of your prayers of tears.  Don't ever experience embarrassed about your tears.  Never feel like they don't matter.  They do.

And ane twenty-four hours, all tears will be wiped away and not one more than will be shed.

I can't await for that day.  Merely until so, I will offer each spilled tear into His nail-scarred hands.  Are you fix to believe that your tears are important to Him?  That they actually are a vital part of a strong prayer life?  Tin you think about the last time yous prayed tears and see it equally a very holy moment?

My Meeting With The King: The Ultimate Guide For Prayeris now available!  It is only $16!  PS – subscribers get this resource for FREE.  Sign-up for my newsletter below to get yours!

Have you ever been so struck with grief and sorrow that all you could offer God were your tears? No words, no eloquent prayers? No recitations of scripture? Just tears. This post is for When Your Prayers Are Tears

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Aimee is a wife to an incredible husband, Marcus, and mother to three fabled children. She works from home as a homeschool support instructor and she homeschools her own children too. She loves writing adjoin her faith and decided to requite blogging a try in 2013. The rest is history...


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